What is HPL

What does HPL stand for

High Pressure Laminate

High Pressure Laminate consists of printed decorative paper fused to multiple sheets of saturated Kraft paper (from 6-8 pieces depending on thickness) with a thermosetting synthetic phenolic resin.

A curing or thermosetting process combines the sheets using heat and high pressure (over 1,000 PSI) to form flexible, individual, high-density sheets.

Sometimes the foils can be reinforced with metal layers or mesh. The last step is to laminate the sheets on wooden substrates.

Sala exposiciones muestras HPL de Marmonite en Torremolinos


Laminate worktop surface patterns are saturated with melamine-based resins to provide increased resistance to abrasion, thermal shock and impact, heat and fading.

Raw materials include kraft paper, printed decorative and overlay papers, and thermosetting synthetic phenolic resins.

Kraft paper is the core material and determines the thickness of the product. Decorative paper determines the design and colour, while coating paper improves the materials' resistance to abrasion, scratches and heat.

Easy to clean

Hygienic surface

Marmonite HPL can be used in areas such as showroom furniture, office furniture, recreational areas, hygienic environments: hospitals, care homes, kitchens, etc.

Schools, kindergartens, retirement homes, residential care centres.

It is easy to clean, making it ideal for locations and applications where a high level of hygiene is paramount, such as laboratories, hospitals and kitchens.

vista superior cocina encimera Maronite laminado HPL Britanicca

Elegant and Creative

El HPL es visualmente atractivo y está disponible en diseños modernos e innovadores de aspecto contemporáneo.

También están disponibles en varias opciones, patrones, texturas y colores para adaptarse a su espacio



Experience the benefits of Marmonite HPL creating your projects.

  • Waterproof100
  • Higher abrasion resistance100
  • Greater thermal shock resistance100
  • Higher impact resistance100
  • Antibacterial Hygienic and easy to clean100
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